
Triangle Special Properties

 During this week, we are going to be learning about some special properties of triangles. 1. Triangle Angle Sum.  2. Exterior angles 3. Third angles Theorem. please check the following presentation, watch the videos that are linked in the slides and remember to take notes on your notebook. Answer to the exercises that are on the slides.  special relationships in triangles

Parallel lines and transversals

 Hello everyone: For next session we are going to be working on a topic called Parallel lines and transversals. Last year you studied it, so it is not new for you. Enter the following link, take notes on your notebook and solve the questions inside. They are going to be graded. Parallel Lines and transversals Be prepared for a quiz next class about angle pairs and angles formed by parallel lines and transversals. Have a nice week.

Angle Pairs.

To study this topic, you are going to watch a video and then a presentation. The video has some questions that you must answer to continue. Follow this link and join the class at edpuzzle. The class code if needed is  anatihe Review Angle Pairs Then watch this presentation to take important notes on your notebook about the information that you consider more important, practice the exercises and bring 2 questions to the class. Angle pairs presentation For the next class, please bring a protractor.


Here you have the presentation of the subject and the vocabulary words that you must search. Write the definitions on your notebook.  https://www.canva.com/design/DAFqcIsvK0I/sVINKnk-I8LUtiOAf1VwDw/edit?utm_content=DAFqcIsvK0I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton You can write any question on the comments. 

Class Rules

To keep in good conditions the class environment, it is very important to follow some rules. Here you have the link to review them anytime. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFqb2R-wvQ/gEldyCMXiljKa3L9ZAiPuQ/edit?utm_content=DAFqb2R-wvQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


Welcome to 8th grade and to Geometry class. During this year, we are going to be studying properties of angles and triangles. Some concepts like congruence, similarity, Thales theorem and geometric means are going to turn very familiar for you. It is very important for your learning process, that you participate in class and discuss with your classmates about an important topic, but also, the most important thing that you need is: RESPONSIBILITY.  The Methodology that we are going to use is called Flipped classroom, this means that you at home are going to read, watch videos, answer "quizzes" and during the class we work. I need your commitment with your the learning process so that way our classes flow properly and we can learn the wonderful world of Geometry. Let me say WELCOME again and let's start with this adventure.